const curry = require('ramda/src/curry');
const reduce = require('ramda/src/reduce');
const assoc = require('ramda/src/assoc');
* A variant of `keyBy` / `indexBy` that accepts getter functions for both the
* key and the value.
* @signature (Object -> key) -> (Object -> value) -> Array<Object> -> Object<key, value>
* @example
* const list = [{ key: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, { key: 'a', value: 1 }];
* const result = keyByWith(prop('key'), prop('value'), list); // => { foo: 'bar', a: 1 }
const keyByWith = curry((getKey, getValue, list) => {
const reducer = (acc, obj) => {
const key = getKey(obj);
const value = getValue(obj);
return assoc(key, value, acc);
return reduce(reducer, {}, list);
module.exports = keyByWith;