(constant) debounce
- Source:
(constant) debounceLeading
- Description:
- Creates a debounced function which is called on the leading edge of the wait timeout.
- Source:
Creates a debounced function which is called on the leading edge of the wait timeout.
debounceLeading(200, () => {});
(constant) debounceTrailing
- Description:
- Creates a debounced function which is called on the trailing edge of the wait timeout.
- Source:
Creates a debounced function which is called on the trailing edge of the wait timeout.
debounceTrailing(200, () => {});
(constant) defaultToStrict
- Description:
- Source:
(constant) dotPath
- Description:
- Gets a prop value using a dot-separated path composed of any combination of prop names and/or array indices.
- Source:
Gets a prop value using a dot-separated path composed of any combination of prop names
and/or array indices.
dotPath('a.b', { a: { b: 1 } }); // => 1
dotPath('foo', { foo: 'bar' }); // => 'bar'
dotPath('a.0', { a: [1, 2, 3] }); // => 1
dotPath('0', ['foo', 'bar']); // => 'foo'
dotPath('0.0', [[1, 2, 3]]); // => 1
(constant) dotPathOr
- Description:
- If the given, non-null object has a value at the given dot-separated path, returns the value at that path. Otherwise returns the provided default value. Path can be composed of any combination of prop names and/or array indices.
- Source:
- See:
If the given, non-null object has a value at the given dot-separated path, returns the
value at that path. Otherwise returns the provided default value. Path can be composed
of any combination of prop names and/or array indices.
dotPathOr('N/A', 'a.b', { a: { b: 1 } }); // => 1
dotPathOr('N/A', 'invalid.key', { a: 1 }); // => 'N/A'
dotPathOr('N/A', 'a.b.0', { a: { b: [1, 2, 3] } }); // => 1
dotPathOr('N/A', 'a.b.0', { a: { b: 'not an arrray' } }); // => 'N/A'
(constant) ensureStartsWith
- Description:
- Ensures a string / array value starts with the specified prefix. If not, the prefix is prepended to the value.
- Source:
Ensures a string / array value starts with the specified prefix. If not, the
prefix is prepended to the value.
(constant) eqDotPaths
- Description:
- Useful for doing comparing two objects (e.g. component props or state) to see if a particular property value has changed. Accepts either a standard key name or a dot-separated path for the property to check and does a deep equality check on the property values.
- Source:
Useful for doing comparing two objects (e.g. component props or state) to see if a
particular property value has changed. Accepts either a standard key name or a
dot-separated path for the property to check and does a deep equality check on the
property values.
(constant) eqDotPathsShallow
- Description:
- Useful for doing comparing two objects (e.g. component props or state) to see if a particular property value has changed. Accepts either a standard key name or a dot-separated path for the property to check and does a shallow equality check on the property values.
- Source:
Useful for doing comparing two objects (e.g. component props or state) to see if a
particular property value has changed. Accepts either a standard key name or a
dot-separated path for the property to check and does a shallow equality check on the
property values.
eqDotPathsShallow('foo', { foo: 1 }, { foo: 1 }); // => true
eqDotPathsShallow('foo', { foo: 1 }, { foo: 2 }); // => false
eqDotPathsShallow('a', { a: [1, 2, 3] }, { a: [1, 2, 3] }); // => true
eqDotPathsShallow('a', { a: { b: [1, 2, 3] } }, { a: { b: [1, 2, 3] } }); // false
(constant) eqPaths
- Description:
- Takes a path to check and two objects and checks if the value at that path is equal for both objects.
- Source:
Takes a path to check and two objects and checks if the value at that path
is equal for both objects.
(constant) equalsAny
- Description:
- Predicate that checks to see if a value exists in an array.
- Source:
Predicate that checks to see if a value exists in an array.
equalsAny([1, 2, 3], 2); // => true
equalsAny(['a', 'b', 'c'], 2); // => false
(constant) equalsShallow
- Source:
equalsShallow({ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }); // true
equalsShallow({ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }); // false
equalsShallow({ a: { b: 1 } }, { a: { b: 1 } }); // false
(constant) filterMap
- Description:
- Maps an array by the given transform, but only values that pass the given given predicate are transformed and included in the resulting array.
- Source:
Maps an array by the given transform, but only values that pass the given given predicate
are transformed and included in the resulting array.
(constant) format
- Description:
- Formats a string. Curried version of [`string-format`]( It handles more than I'm indicating in the type signature here. Once you play around with it, feel free to put some more examples and update these docs.
- Source:
Formats a string.
Curried version of [`string-format`](
It handles more than I'm indicating in the type signature here. Once you play around with it,
feel free to put some more examples and update these docs.
format('Hello, {}!', 'Alice'); // => 'Hello, Alice!'
compose(format('Hello, {}!'), identity)('Alice'); // => 'Hello, Alice!'
(constant) intersectAny
- Description:
- Finds *any* intersections between any number of lists. TODO: Handle strings that look like numbers. See tests.
- Source:
Finds *any* intersections between any number of lists.
TODO: Handle strings that look like numbers. See tests.
intersectAny([[1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 9], [3, 9]]) // => [3, 9]
intersectAny([['foo', 'bar'], ['baz'], ['bar', 'qux']]) // => ['bar']
(constant) isNilOrEmpty
- Description:
- Checks if a value is null, undefined, an empty string, an empty object, an empty array.
- Source:
- See:
- R.isNil
- R.isEmpty
Checks if a value is null, undefined, an empty string, an empty object, an empty array.
(constant) isNot
- Description:
- Checks if a value is not of a certain type (i.e. the opposite of `is`).
- Source:
Checks if a value is not of a certain type (i.e. the opposite of `is`).
(constant) isNotEmpty
- Description:
- Returns true if value is non-empty.
- Source:
Returns true if value is non-empty.
(constant) isNotNil
- Description:
- Takes a value and returns true if the value is neither null nor undefined; returns false if not.
- Source:
Takes a value and returns true if the value is neither null nor undefined;
returns false if not.
(constant) isPopulatedString
- Description:
- Checks if a value is both a string and non-empty.
- Source:
Checks if a value is both a string and non-empty.
isPopulatedString('foo'); // true
isPopulatedString(' '); // true
isPopulatedString(''); // false
isPopulatedString(5); // false
isPopulatedString(true); // false
(constant) jsonParseSafe
- Description:
- A safe version of `JSON.parse` that returns an [error, result] tuple instead of throwing an error.
- Source:
A safe version of `JSON.parse` that returns an [error, result] tuple instead
of throwing an error.
const [error, result] = jsonParseSafe('{ "foo": "bar" }'); // => [null, { foo: 'bar' }]
const [error, result] = jsonParseSafe('{'); // => [SyntaxError, null]
(constant) keyByWith
- Description:
- A variant of `keyBy` / `indexBy` that accepts getter functions for both the key and the value.
- Source:
A variant of `keyBy` / `indexBy` that accepts getter functions for both the
key and the value.
const list = [{ key: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, { key: 'a', value: 1 }];
const result = keyByWith(prop('key'), prop('value'), list); // => { foo: 'bar', a: 1 }
(constant) list
- Description:
- Source:
(constant) mapFilter
- Description:
- Maps an array by the given transform, but only the transformed values that pass the given predicate are included in the resulting array.
- Source:
Maps an array by the given transform, but only the transformed values that pass the given
predicate are included in the resulting array.
(constant) mapRejectNil
- Description:
- Maps an array by the given transform, but only the transformed values that are not nil are included in the resulting array.
- Source:
Maps an array by the given transform, but only the transformed values that are not nil
are included in the resulting array.
(constant) mergeSpec
- Description:
- Source:
(constant) mergeWithArrays
- Description:
- A merge that also handles arrays.
- Source:
A merge that also handles arrays.
foo: [1, 2, 3],
bar: 'first',
baz: true,
}, {
foo: [4, 5],
bar: 'second',
// {
// foo: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
// bar: 'second',
// baz: true,
// }
(constant) propOrStrict
- Description:
- Source:
(constant) rejectNilMap
- Description:
- Maps an array by the given transform, but only values that are not nil are transformed and included in the resulting array.
- Source:
Maps an array by the given transform, but only values that are not nil
are transformed and included in the resulting array.
(constant) replaceAll
- Description:
- Really, using `R.replace` with regex is fine, but this makes a nice interface.
- Source:
Really, using `R.replace` with regex is fine, but this makes a nice interface.
// foo\nbar\nbaz\n
(constant) round
- Description:
- Curried FP version of `lodash.round` NOTE: `lodash/fp.round` has a fixed arity of one, therefore a precision cannot be specified.
- Source:
- See:
- lodash.round
Curried FP version of `lodash.round`
NOTE: `lodash/fp.round` has a fixed arity of one, therefore
a precision cannot be specified.
(constant) stringToBoolean
- Description:
- Cast a configuration string to a boolean value by looking for common "truth" directives. All else is false. This is especially useful for deciphering environment variables. See tests for full behavior.
- Source:
Cast a configuration string to a boolean value by looking for common "truth" directives.
All else is false. This is especially useful for deciphering environment variables.
See tests for full behavior.
stringToBoolean('True'); // true
stringToBoolean(' yes '); // true
stringToBoolean('false'); // false
stringToBoolean('treu'); // false
stringToBoolean('asdf'); // false
(constant) tap
- Description:
- Runs the given function with the supplied object, then returns the object.
- Source:
Runs the given function with the supplied object, then returns the object.
tap((x) => return 'bar')('foo'); // 'foo'
tap(console.log)('foo'); // 'foo' (and it will have been logged)
tap((x) => dbRemoveUserByName(x)), // unrelated, but you won't have a handle on this promise
// ['u', 's', 'e', 'r', 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e']
// And the promise will have been kicked off to remove that user by name
(constant) throttle
- Source:
(constant) throttleLeading
- Source:
(constant) throttleTrailing
- Source:
(constant) trace
- Description:
- Effectively a curried `console.log` that also returns it's input.
- Source:
Effectively a curried `console.log` that also returns it's input.
trace('The meaning of life: ', 42); // 42
trace('The meaning of life: ') // 42
// ...
(constant) tryCatchSafe
- Description:
- A safe version of `try/catch` that returns an [error, result] tuple instead of throwing an error.
- Source:
A safe version of `try/catch` that returns an [error, result] tuple instead
of throwing an error.
const [error, result] = tryCatchSafe(someFnThatMightThrow, [arg1, arg2]);
(constant) updateKeyPaths
- Description:
- Updates the key paths for a given object according to the provided map of { oldKey: newKey } where `newKey` is an array. Any keys that aren't included in the map will be passed through unchanged.
- Source:
Updates the key paths for a given object according to the provided map of
{ oldKey: newKey } where `newKey` is an array. Any keys that aren't included
in the map will be passed through unchanged.
updateKeyPaths({ foo: ['params', 'bar'] }, { foo: 1 }); // => { params: { bar: 1 } }
(constant) updateKeys
- Description:
- Updates the key names for a given object according to the provided map of { oldKey: newKey } where `newKey` is a string. Any keys that aren't included in the map will be passed through unchanged.
- Source:
Updates the key names for a given object according to the provided map of
{ oldKey: newKey } where `newKey` is a string. Any keys that aren't included
in the map will be passed through unchanged.
updateKeys({ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 1 }); // => { bar: 1 }
(constant) updateKeysWith
- Description:
- Updates the keys for an object using the provided function and a map of { oldKey: newKey }. The type of newKey will depend on which function is passed as the first argument (i.e. if you use `assoc` it will expect a string, if you use `assocPath` it will expect an array, etc.)
- Source:
Updates the keys for an object using the provided function and a map of
{ oldKey: newKey }. The type of newKey will depend on which function is
passed as the first argument (i.e. if you use `assoc` it will expect a
string, if you use `assocPath` it will expect an array, etc.)
(constant) upperCamelCase
- Description:
- Upper-first-camelcase-ify
- Source:
upperCamelCase('foo-bar-baz') // => 'FooBarBaz'
upperCamelCase('foo_bar_baz') // => 'FooBarBaz'
(constant) within
- Source:
- Description:
- Returns a deferred. No longer in the Promise spec (or Bluebird) - but extremely useful.
- Source:
- Description:
- Takes an error and immediately throws it. Useful for throwing an error when using pipe, compose, cond, etc. without having to create an anonymous function to throw it. If the given error is not a Error instance then it will be used as the error message and a new Error instance will be created and then thrown. TODO: TESTS
- Source:
The given error.
- Type
- Error
- Description:
- Takes a list of predicates and returns a predicate that returns true for a given list of arguments if at none of the provided predicates is satisfied by those arguments. The function returned is a curried function whose arity matches that of the highest-arity predicate.
- Source:
const isClub = propEq('♣', 'suit');
const isSpade = propEq('♠', 'suit');
const isRedCard = nonePass([isClub, isSpade]);
isRedCard({ rank: '10', suit: '♣' }); //=> false
isRedCard({ rank: 'Q', suit: '♠' }); //=> false
isRedCard({ rank: 'Q', suit: '♦' }); //=> true
- Description:
- This is async version of noop.
- Source:
(async) resolveProps()
- Description:
- Takes an object where the values may be promises and returns an object where all those promises are resolved. If any individual promise is rejected, resolveProps rejects. Similar to REASONING: we are trying to no longer use libraries that create their own "Promise" classes with special methods (q/bluebird) - i.e., we want to treat everything like a native promise
- Source:
- Description:
- An async function that just waits to resolve
- Source:
- Source:
stringify(''); // => "''"
stringify(true); // => "true"
stringify(null); // => "null"
stringify([1, 2, 3]); // => "[1, 2, 3]"
stringify({ foo: 'bar' }); // => "{ foo: 'bar' }"
stringify(Symbol('foo')); // => "Symbol(foo)"
stringify(() => ''); // => "<fn>"