
const map = require('ramda/src/map');
const keys = require('ramda/src/keys');
const allSettledP = require('./all-settled-p');

 * Takes an object where the values may be promises
 * and returns an object where all those promises are resolved.
 * If any individual promise is rejected, resolveProps rejects.
 * Similar to
 * REASONING: we are trying to no longer use libraries that create their own "Promise"
 * classes with special methods (q/bluebird) - i.e., we want to treat everything like a native promise
 * @signature Object -> Promise<Object>
const resolveProps = async (obj) => {
  const result = {};
  const promises = map(async (key) => {
    result[key] = await obj[key];
  }, keys(obj));
  await Promise.all(promises)
    .catch(async (err) => {
      await allSettledP(promises);
      throw err;
  return result;

module.exports = resolveProps;