const curry = require('ramda/src/curry');
const prop = require('ramda/src/prop');
const propOr = require('ramda/src/propOr');
const reduce = require('ramda/src/reduce');
const keys = require('ramda/src/keys');
* Updates the keys for an object using the provided function and a map of
* { oldKey: newKey }. The type of newKey will depend on which function is
* passed as the first argument (i.e. if you use `assoc` it will expect a
* string, if you use `assocPath` it will expect an array, etc.)
* @signature (String | [String], *, { a: * } -> { b: * }) -> { a: String | [String] } -> { b: * }
const updateKeysWith = curry((fn, evolveKeysMap, obj) => {
const reducer = (acc, key) => {
const newKey = propOr(key, key, evolveKeysMap);
const newValue = prop(key, obj);
return fn(newKey, newValue, acc);
return reduce(reducer, {}, keys(obj));
module.exports = updateKeysWith;